This Is Weird
Follow us on IG/Twitter: @ThisWeirdPod When real life gets weird, these two long-time friends make it weirder! Otis and Bernie discuss odd moments in their personal lives and even more jaw-dropping moments happening around the world. Fun, entertaining and real weird. A weekly podcast to make you feel better about your odd self. Weird News and Weird Events
This Is Weird
Episode 55: Nipple Stings & Johnny Depp Trial Things
Otis & Bernie
Season 3
Episode 55
This week things get weird as a wasp tried to give Otis a nipple piercing while doing yard work. Plus, Johnny Depp and Amber Heard are VERY WEIRD people. We dig into some of the odd testimony and things that Depp and Heard texted each other about using "her neck". Finally, we dig into a VirIdiocy video of Mike Tyson punching a guy on an airline.